Interested in how to find hunting leases in North Carolina? First of all, WOW, who would have thought it would be so hard to find a hunting lease In North Carolina? In North Carolina at least, we have seen an extreme increase in demand for hunting leases over the last 5-10 years and it is only getting worse. The irony is that all of the statistics (if you believe that sort of thing) say that hunter numbers in the field are declining. With the advent of technology and information sharing websites, combined with the onslaught of tv shows portraying hunting as the “cool” thing to do, leases are harder than ever to find. Of course that translates into rapidly increasing prices, unfortunately. In North Carolina, we have one of the highest numbers of licensed hunters in the country and one of the fastest growing states as well, which means we are losing hunting ground daily. The future for hunting leases is getting tougher and more expensive, unfortunately. If you do find a suitable lease, we recommend reading our article on North Carolina Hunting Leases HERE.
Our Advice
1) Get on every rural land broker’s email list in North Carolina. Brokers only represent a very small fraction of all hunting lease but they do get them from time to time. GROUNDBROKERS sells and manages hunting land throughout North Carolina.
2) Monitor online posting sites i.e. craigslist, facebook, etc and set up alerts for your specific keywords.
3) Follow Facebook hunting groups like this one to discuss not only leases but guides, outfitters, clubs and land management in general.
3) Join hunting forums to discuss leases and club memberships. Our favorite is
4) In North Carolina, subscribe to the Agriculture Review, the free monthly publication of the North Carolina Department Of Agriculture. This publication has monthly classifieds for land.
5) Good old fashioned door knocking. Yes it still works, but it takes time and building relationships, which is how we used to accomplish everything in this country. Now with everybody hiding behind keyboards, relationships are more important than ever.
6) Be patient and consistent. In time you will hopefully find a lease but you have to keep at it.
7) Google hunting leases, especially “timber company hunting leases”. Timber companies such as TIG, control hundreds of thousands of acres of leases not only in North Carolina but throughout the country. There are many resources online but again, it takes digging and persistence.
8) Be ready with cash in hand. Have a hunting lease agreement and hunting liability insurance lined up both of which you can get HERE.
Hunting leases are only going to get harder and harder to find. It will become even more critical to have any new lease well secured with paperwork with all I’s dotted and T’s crossed. Do your homework ahead of time, get a written lease prepared and ready to use, and have your checkbook ready. Waiting too long to commit or trying to negotiate too much on lease prices (assuming they are priced fair) may result in a lost opportunity.

GROUNDBROKERS greatly appreciates the opportunity to discuss your land with you. If you are interested in selling your land and would like a no obligation, no hassle review of your land please CONTACT US. If you have any other land needs we are more than happy to help. We love discussing rural land, just reach out to let us know how we can help or if you just want to chat about North Carolina land!